Moxi Laser

Moxi Laser




Most unwanted changes to the skin appear when we are young adults (20’s to 30’s). The MOXI laser resurfaces the skin to promote the regeneration of new cells and reduce unwanted skin issues and can treat all skin types. This non-ablative laser sends fractionated energy at the skin to improve the tone and texture.

The MOXI is gentler than previous laser resurfacing devices. Refresh your skin anytime of the year with minimal downtime. This treatment can be used as a regular treatment to revitalise the skin as it takes 30 minutes to complete. The MOXI prevents ageing by focusing on “prejuvenation”.

The MOXI laser has many benefits and is an effective laser treatment for the skin. The procedure can be performed all year-long on all skin types. Those with stubble, can still have the treatment. Patients use the MOXI laser to “prejuvenate” the skin and treat the skin against signs of ageing before they appear. Numbing cream is not required as the MOXI laser is less painful than more traditional lasers.

There is minimal to no downtime for the MOXI which means patients can have their treatment and return to their daily routine in the same day as this treatment is known as a “lunchtime procedure”. The laser can improve the complexion of the skin with a pain-free procedure. The treatment targets skin imperfections such as sun damage and uneven pigmentation to create smooth, refreshed skin.


Prior to your MOXI laser treatment we recommend booking a consultation with our Mosman Infinity Skin Clinic. In your consultation our team will discuss your medical history, current medications and supplements as well as your previous cosmetic procedures. We encourage our patients to bring up any concerns and questions surrounding the MOXI laser treatment.

These discussions will allow our team to evaluate your suitability for the treatment. In your consultation we will also discuss your ideal outcome for the procedure so you will leave with a personalised treatment plan. Contact our Mosman team at Infinity Skin Clinic to book your MOXI laser consultation.

The treatment begins with your face being cleaned thoroughly before it is numbed and goggles are applied to protect your eyes. The MOXI device will be set to correct settings for your skin and then the tip of the MOXI will be passed over your skin.

The MOXI uses fractionated 1927 nm wavelength laser energy to create micro injuries in the skin. These micro injuries stimulate cell regeneration and the production of collagen and elastin. The MOXI delivers this energy to ageing signs before they become extensive. The laser searches for water molecules in the body, which it heats to initiate the skin’s healing process.

Once the treatment is over, your treatment area will be covered in a topical serum to protect your skin. This treatment can be combined with BBL Hero to create a year-round skincare routine that maintains your youthful complexion over the long term and repairs the skin.

The MOXI laser treats skin imperfections such as:

  • Uneven pigmentation and sun damage
  • Textured skin
  • Signs of ageing
  • Melasma
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne scarring
  • Sagging skin
  • Enlarged pores

MOXI laser treatment costs

The cost of a MOXI laser treatment at Infinity Skin Clinic is influenced by the variables of each treatment. Each patient will have a customised treatment based on their skin type and treatment needs. The number of areas being treated and the areas themselves as well as the number of sessions needed determine the price of the treatment.

The cost of the MOXI laser is individualised as a result of each treatment being personalised. To learn about the price of your MOXI laser treatment, contact our team for your individual cost evaluation.

How to choose the best MOXI clinic in Sydney

Before booking a treatment, it is important to determine if a clinic is best suited to you. When trying to find the best MOXI clinic in Sydney it is important to check certain elements of each clinic to see if they align with your needs.

These elements are:

  • Before and After Pictures (see if their results are consistent)
  • Your Doctor and their Qualifications (experience)
  • Reviews and testimonials
  • First impressions
  • Your consultation

It is important you find the right clinic for you. To determine whether Infinity Skin Clinic is the most suitable clinic for you, book your next appointment with our clinic. We pride ourselves on focusing on your needs, communicating with our patients and supporting all those getting a procedure done with us.

We believe these are important elements to take into consideration when deciding on a clinic. Contact the team at Infinity Skin Clinic to book a consultation and evaluate your suitability.

Aftercare Tips

A major benefit of the MOXI treatment is that it has minimal to no recovery period. After the treatment your skin will have some swelling and pinkness however this will resolve after a few hours and ice can reduce these symptoms. The skin is sensitive after the MOXI treatment and therefore we recommend avoiding make-up, sunscreen and topical treatments on the treatment area for 24 hours. Patients should avoid retinol products on the skin for five to seven days post-treatment.

For a few days post treatment, your skin will be rough textured as the new skin is regenerating. We recommend using a gentle cleanser and moisturiser to help remove the roughness. The old skin cells slough away to make room for the new healthy skin after a week.

After 24 hours it is important to apply sunscreen to protect the skin post-treatment and avoid excessive sun exposure. The production of collagen and elastin reaches the full results in three months.

Moxi – Q & A:

The MOXI laser can be used on all patients and skin types. The treatment is designed for patients looking to begin skin rejuvenation and to protect their skin from prominent signs of ageing. Patients looking for a gentle laser treatment should look no further than the MOXI laser.

Patients will experience redness/pinkness of the skin post-treatment as well as swelling. The skin also commonly feels rough after the MOXI laser treatment. These symptoms will subside over time and your healthcare professionals will assign you a treatment plan to reduce these symptoms. In extremely rare cases, the treatment can activate herpes if you have a history of outbreaks. This can be prevented with medication.

Each patient will need a different amount of MOXI treatments depending on their ideal results and the damage to their skin. It is common for patients to have three or four treatments to maintain their results and some patients want a MOXI treatment yearly to reduce ageing signs. Some patients only need one to two treatments to reach their ideal results. In your consultation our team will create a tailored plan that will include the ideal amount of treatments needed.


Moxi Laser before & after – Client gallery

Moxi Laser - 19

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