What is a Visia Skin Analysis System and why should you consider having one?

What is a Visia Skin Analysis System and why should you consider having one?

Everyone’s skin tells a unique story depending on type, colouration, lifestyle, diet, medications, environmental exposure and much more. Pairing a consult with the VISIA skin analysis system is the first step in unlocking that story and customising a skincare and treatment plan for you.

Originally designed as a research tool, the computer controlled VISIA analysis system uses multispectral imaging to scan the skin and capture key information of surface and subsurface facial skin conditions.

5 advantages of having a Visia Skin Analysis

  1. The whole process only takes a few minutes and is completely pain free. Your face is placed in the imaging booth and a series of photographs will be taken. These stay on your file and will be your baseline ‘before’ photo.
  2. Using VISIA’s precise imaging, your skin clinician will be able to provide you with a much more precise plan. (see below for common skin features that are able to be distinguished)
  3. Hidden skin issues can be detected. This technology has the ability to identify certain skin conditions that may not be noticeable on the surface, yet affect your skin’s overall appearance and health. This greatly impacts what plan you would be prescribed and allows you to achieve your desired results much faster.
  4. Reveal your TruSkin Age! The system compares your facial skin features to a vast database of people of the same age and skin type to calculate your relative skin age. For example, a 35yr old woman whose skin is in excellent condition may be evaluated with a TruSkin age of 29, or vice versa.
  5. It will determine just how effective your skincare and treatments are progressing. With VISIA, your skin clinician can monitor your skin’s progress in depth, allowing them to precisely follow your journey with you and tweak it along the way if needed.

Common skin features detected by the VISIA Complexion Analysis:

Spots – Spots are typically brown or red skin lesions including freckles, acne scars, hyper-pigmentation and vascular lesions. They usually have a distinct colour and contrast from the background skin tone. Pores – Pores are the circular surface openings of sweat gland ducts. Due to shadowing, pores appear darker than the surrounding skin tone and are identified by their darker colour and circular shape. The VISIA system distinguishes pores from spots based on size.

Wrinkles – Wrinkles are furrows, folds or creases in the skin, wrinkling in the skin is promoted by habitual facial expressions, aging, sun damage, smoking, poor hydration, and various other factors.

Texture – Texture is primarily an analysis of skin smoothness. Texture measures skin colour and smoothness by identifying gradations in colour from the surrounding skin tone.

Porphyrins – Porphyrins are bacterial excretions that can become lodged in pores and lead to acne. Porphyrins fluoresce in UV light and exhibit circular white spot characteristics.

Dehydration – Dehydration is caused by lack of moisture in the upper layers of skin known as the stratum corneum. Dehydration presents deep purple in UV light.

UV Spots – UV spots occur when melanin coagulates below the skin surface as a result of sun damage. UV spots are generally invisible under normal lighting conditions.

Red Areas – Red areas represent a potential variety of conditions, such as acne, inflammation, excessive redness or spider veins. Blood vessels and haemoglobin contained in the papillary dermis, a sub-layer of skin, give these structures their red colour, which is detected by the VISIA technology.

Brown Spots – Brown spots are lesions on the skin such as hyper-pigmentation, freckles, lentigines, and melasma. Brown spots produce an uneven appearance to the skin, and are detected in VISIA.

Curious to see your skin under a VISIA skin analysis system? Contact the clinic today to book an appointment!